Nimbus was playing in the hallway next to the washing machine and dryer. My roommate Chris suddenly decided that he needed something from his room, the same room where Sansa is locked up while Nimbus is playing. Sitting on the couch, I heard a loud "Shit!" then saw a blur of brown fur followed by a human run across the living room, into the kitchen and down the hallway. Normally, I wouldn't get up on such an occasion but look on, knowing that Chris could handle the situation. But something was different this time, and I flew off the couch right as I heard a loud, angry hiss from the cat then Chris, with the beast in hand, shouldered past me. I immediately scrambled to find Nimbus.
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Chris feeding Nimbus a cheerio |
"Where is he?" I shouted.
"He's under the washer," answered Chris.
Bending down, I could barely make out Nimbus's form in the dark because he was so far in the back. I started making soft shushing noises, trying to convince him that everything was ok. But, he was having none of it. Instead, he began releasing a harsh barking noise, which means "I'm scared, and if you come near me, I'm going to bite." I was furious and stood to face an embarrassed-looking Chris.
"CHRIS! WHAT THE HELL WAS SO IMPORTANT??" I shrieked, referring to the object he retrieved from his room.
He mumbled something, and I told him the lift the washing machine. Still barking, there was no way to convince Nimbus the danger was gone. I pulled Nimbus out and wrapped him in the only thing I could find: a Santa Claus hat from Christmas. Safe in my arms and nuzzled in the hat, I nearly began to weep at what could have been a very different scenario. If Chris had been a few seconds late or if Nimbus hadn't seen Sansa coming, I'd be cuddling my dead or dying chinchilla.
After stroking him, giving him a treat to calm and distract him and locking him up in his cage, I turned on Chris.
"What was so important that it couldn't wait until Nimbus was put up?" I screamed.
"I had to get my charger."
"Really? And you didn't know that Sansa was right there in front of the door the whole time? I knew that. She's had her paws sticking out from under the door since you put her up!!"
"I didn't know. I'm so sorry, Lex. I didn't mean to."
"Why didn't you just put up Nimbus if you had to go in there? What if she had gotten a hold of him? It would only take a few seconds!"
There's a moment when someone makes a mistake, a honest and innocent mistake, that could have ended with horrible, irreversible consequences. And because it wasn't you who made the mistake, you take it out on the person who did. No, Chris wasn't being as careful and observant as he should have been, but he's managed to keep Sansa back on other occasions when he's needed to get into his room. On the other hand, I constantly rag on him about going in his room while Nimbus is out playing in case a situation happened like the one we experienced last night. Upset and furious, I really let Chris have it. I refused to let him touch me and remained stressed out the rest of the night. I remember feeling Nimbus's soft fur as I held him close to calm him down. For once, he didn't struggle or try to get out of my hands. He stayed close to my chest and let me console him after the traumatic event.
It really put things in perspective. I'm very guilty of getting so frustrating with this little animal that I've wondered if I've made a mistake in adopting him. I imagine how much free time I would have not having to clean his cage. I try to remember what life was like before all of my belongings had chew marks on them and what a dropping-free floor looks like. But last night was that wake up moment, the minute you realize just how special your different pets are. May I never have to experience a wake up call like that again because I was taking Nimbus for granted or wanting my chinchilla-free life back. I couldn't be able to handle losing my Nimbus, especially so quickly after he came into my life. It's really making me look harder at the whole Sansa situation, and I believe I have convinced Chris to keep her if (but hopefully when) I move for a job. Otherwise, me alone in a new town with 3 pets will end in a disaster of stress and frustration for everyone. And, it'll be Sansa who will take the blame.
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Nimbus and his safe kitty friend Sparta |
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