Thursday, March 6, 2014

Our New Home

I'm very sorry I disappeared as of late. Last Friday, the 28th, was Move In Day, and it wasn't until yesterday that the Internet guy was able to come out and hook everything up. I'm relieved to write that Nimbus transitioned perfectly into our new home. I wasn't sure how he was going to react, but I think he's quite excited about the whole thing.

In fact, both pets are doing great. Sparta is in love with the place, running up and down the stairs, rolling around on the balcony, prancing along the loft wall bannister... he's having a blast! Nimbus, too, is enjoying all the extra space. There's so much room for him to run around, both upstairs and downstairs (although upstairs will soon no longer be an option), and he loves bounding on the staircase.

Looking down at the living room from the upstairs loft
Sadly, Nimbus will have to say good bye to running around upstairs. He's chewing everything! My books, shoes, keepsake boxes... I can't handle it anymore. And, following him up and down the stairs every 5 minutes got old really quick! Hopefully, the apartment management has a tape measure lying around somewhere that I can borrow to see how wide of a baby gate I need. Nimbus will still have the staircase to play on, but the upstairs rooms will be blocked. It's just too exhausting. Last night, I dragged this giant... well, I'm not sure what to call it, but it's this heavy piece of furniture that sort of reminds me of an entertainment center... an ugly one at that. It has a very fake, plastic-y surface with busted wooden cabinets as its base. I dragged it in between the loft wall and the bathroom door, so now I have to slide across the top of this thing to get through the stairs to the rest of the upstairs, but it was worth it!! No more chasing after Nimbus. If he's upstairs, I know he's just on the landing, and I don't have to follow him and try to coax him out from under my bed anymore. It's also better this way because there are just some rooms that don't need to be decorated with chin droppings, am I right?! My bedroom is one of those places! The entertainment center will be gone (hooray!!) next week because the new neighbor wants it, though I'm not sure why. So, I''ll definitely need that baby gate... plus, jumping over that thing makes me feel ridiculous!

I, on the other hand, am still adjusting. I'm very homesick, in fact. I miss the river out back. Well, I miss having any type of yard at all, and I'm not used to the noises of an apartment complex. The neighbors can be quite noisy, especially in the afternoon hours when the kids come back from school. I'm also not used to living on my own anymore. I was living alone from April to October last year, and I was miserable. Then, Chris moved in, which was an awesome experience, but now, he's had to stay behind to finish his degree at Western Carolina University. I miss him terribly. We did everything together. I do get to see him, starting tomorrow!! And, he'll be staying the next week because it's Spring Break. Yes... Spring Break... in the middle of March... when it's an average of 60 degrees F outside... In fact, we're under a winter weather advisory tonight for freezing rain... Yay, "Spring" Break!

Sparta checking out the loft wall!

During the move, I was worried that Nimbus would pose the problem. Hoping that someone could ride with me and watch over Nimbus, it turned out that Chris and I were on our own with moving out. While he packed the U-Haul, I worked inside the house, cleaning and making sure everything was packed. After five hours, everything was finally moved out and cleaned to perfection, even though the power had been cut off over halfway through the process. Nimbus was put into the cat carrier with his stuffed bunny, and Sparta was allowed to roam free while wearing his harness. ...Honestly, with the way Sparta acted, I should have let Nimbus run around and put Sparta in the carrier.

The car was packed, but I made sure to create a special spot for Sparta to sleep during the trip. I had a stack of pillows and blankets heaved right beside the window, but he didn't stay there more than a minute. For the entire two-hour trip, Sparta yowled every minute, if not more so, as we drove down the road. He crawled everywhere and specifically wanted to get under my feet near the gas and brake pedals, of course! I had forgotten that Sparta's desired car seat during a road trip is on the floor. Well because of all the stuff crammed in my little Honda Accord, the only floorspace was under my feet! Before we were two minutes away from the old place, Sparta was under my feet. I had to come to a dead halt in the middle of the road, fish him out, throw some stuff in the backseat and plop him in the passenger seat floor. Finally, he laid there, although continuing to yowl his discontent. The entire two hours, I fought him and fought him and fought him as he refused to completely settle down in any one place. Sparta even stepped on Nimbus more than once during his reign of terror in the car. I can't believe I didn't get pulled over.

Nimbus, meanwhile, gave himself a quick bath, then curled up next to his bunny and went straight to sleep... well, as asleep as you can get with a cat screaming in your ear. I have never seen cuter pictures than this. He actually snuggled up next to Napoleon and held onto him!!

There is nothing more adorable!!! Except maybe this video where Nimbus gets to come out of his cage into the new apartment for the first time. He was so sleepy from being awake most of the day, but he still hopped around for a good bit. This was before the furniture was moved in the next morning. I love his fascination with the carpet!

Friday, February 21, 2014

We're Moving!!

Holy goodness!!! Boxes everywhere!!! 

I prayed that it'd happen, but I never thought it actually would. After graduating from Western Carolina in December, I never thought I'd get a job. It was a long two months of unemployment, and I got really lucky securing this one. In fact, I got the initial call from the employer because his wife is best friends with my former professor --- who I had listed as a reference on my application! It's a frighteningly small world, especially in Western North Carolina.

Yesterday, I took Chris along for house hunting, and I found a beautiful little apartment in the heart of a glade of tall trees. There's a laundromat, pool and fitness center on site. The management is quite friendly, and after I showed them pictures of what a chinchilla actually looks like, they melted over the adorable face of Nimbus! It's a beautiful apartment with a walk-through closet, small kitchen, two bathrooms, closet space, utility room, balcony and a curved staircase to a loft second floor (I've never had a second floor before!) So, I'm very excited.

Let's move out!

There are a few things I wish I could change, but the same applies here, too, of course. I wish the new place had more windows for both Sparta's and my benefit. I'm a huge lover of natural light. Right now, the weather is fantastic. All the doors are open; the windows are open!! It's beautiful! Also, the balcony overlooks the parking lot, but why am I complaining?! Seriously, I'm 22-years-old, and this is my first job --- my first place where my full-time job isn't being a student. There will be other homes, and if I really hate it, well then, the lease expires in a year. I can tolerate a year. As long as my pets are happy, so am I.

Sparta (back) and Sansa (front)
What I hate the most is leaving Sansa and Chris behind. Sansa cannot come. I've written on several occasions about how much she tortures Nimbus. It's her natural predatory instinct to go after Nimbus. I'm very lucky with Sparta that he couldn't care less about the fuzzy rabbit-squirrel jumping around the living  room. Sansa will always see him as dinner. But, I've come to love Sansa. She's an absolute pain and gets into everything, but she's just the sweetest little kitten. I hate saying goodbye to her when I just did the same thing to my cat Binx back in July. I was heartbroken. However, Sparta and Binx didn't get along. In this case, Sparta adores Sansa. He calls for her in the morning, waking the dead in order to play with his best mate. They give each other baths, they chase each other across the entire house, and they nap together in the sun. How can you communicate with your pet that they won't be able to see their best friend anymore? How do I tell Sparta that he won't see Sansa again after the 28th? It brings me to tears. I just keep asking myself "What have I done?" I don't know why I let her into the house in the first place when I knew this was how it would end. But, thankfully, Sansa has found a home. If we were just packing up the house and pulling away with her watching us from the driveway, I'd really be losing it right now. The very image of that sentence in my head makes me want to run to the bathroom and vomit. I don't understand how people can do that to animals or what the animals must be thinking. But, Sansa has found a good home, and she'll be very loved there.

Chris can't come either. He has to stay and finish his bachelor's degree at Western Carolina for another 10 months. If we end up in the same town after his graduation, well, that'll be an interesting journey. There are two positives to this move concerning Chris: 1) It's only 2 hours away. I never made it to Kentucky because of the snow before I was offered this job. So, I'll still in the neighborhood. 2) It's Chris's hometown. The majority of his family lives within a 15-mile radius from my new apartment, and so he won't be spending all his gas money to come see me. When I'm at work, he'll have something to do. He can visit his mom and dad and his high school friends. He won't just be sitting at my apartment staring at the television waiting for me to come. I played that game once... I was in a long distance relationship for nearly a year. It was torture. I was a student. He had a full-time job. Every time I visited, I sat in his apartment waiting for him to come home from work. Every time he visited, he sat in my apartment and waited for me to come home from class --- or I skipped class, which is just as bad. Our relationship was made up of how to say goodbye as quickly and painlessly as possible (For skeptics who believe long distance doesn't work, I will say that we made it through our long distance relationship. Hilariously enough, it was moving in together that ultimately led to our very nasty, painful split.). In this case, it will be different because Chris won't be relying on me as his sole source for making the trip. Still, our nightly routine of making dinner, caring  for Nimbus as he hops around the house and watching "Storm Chasers" or "White Collar" will be at an end. I will miss his company more than anything else. He is my best friend. Whether or not we'll ever be officially more than that (again) is still up for debate. It goes back and forth. But, that will never change the fact that I love Chris, and him not being around to share my day makes life look a little dimmer. The thought that it will just be me, Sparta and Nimbus again breaks my heart.

So now, I have exactly one week left before we head to our new home!!! Any ideas on how to make this as stress-less on Nimbus as possible?!?!? He'll be riding in the cat carrier for two hours, but I'll be in the car alone. If he gets it in his head to rip through the rubber mesh, ...we're in trouble! There will only be so much I can do to stop him besides pulling the car over. Let's hope he behaves! Right now, the plan is to have the chinchilla cage be the first item unpacked from the U-Haul and moved into the new apartment. But... yep, that's as far as I've gotten!
Can we go now?

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A Night in Front of the TV (Video)

Chinchillas love to watch television!! In fact, many rescues leave on televisions or radios during the day to keep their chins calm while sleeping. Since I don't have cable, our only means of watching television is through NetFlix, which sadly does not transfer over from one episode to the next like it does on an Xbox. So, Nimbus watches NetFlix or DVDs at night, instead. His favorite film of all-time is The Hobbit: There and Back Again!

This video below was taken on Nimbus's birthday. It shows what a typical evening is like with Nimbus while I talk about certain aspect of chinchillas and ownership of such rodents.

One such topic is Nimbus's bunny. There will be a post about the bunny later on, but let me just say that "Napoleon Neapolitan" is a very special bunny puppet indeed. He and Nimbus have a very intimate relationship, and you'll see what I mean. If anything ever happens to that bunny...!!!! I explain a bit of the story, except for how Nimbus discovered his friend.

Nimbus begins by rolling on the floor. He's not doing it for fun. There's actually chinchilla dust coating the linoleum that spilled out of his dust bathtub. And then, captivated by the camera, he sprints over ready for his close-up.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day from Nimbus and me! 

We love you for reading!
Nimbus is full of energy tonight, running around like he's got a secret Valentine of his own! Since his birthday, Nimbus has had good days and bad days. He's off the medication, and everything is back to normal. However, he sat sullenly on the dining room chair nearly every night for the past week. His fuzzy face had a dejected look pasted on it like he'd never be happy again. Once, he even fell asleep and it was 9 or 10 at night! He's had me pretty worried, but tonight, he's up to his usual tricks and scampering around the house like a proper chinchilla!

We're all going a bit stir crazy, to be honest. Snow fell for over 24 hours straight the other day, and we got a total of six inches, which is a lot for North Carolina. Nimbus enjoyed the snow! He decided it was quite delicious indeed!

The next morning, we let Sansa out as usual but this time, we brought Sparta along, too. You can tell that Sparta is a pampered indoor cat, who likes to believe that he's a wild tiger. He begs to be let outside, and then when I finally do, this is how he acts. Oh, Sparta!

I'm sorry I haven't been writing more - other than a few blurbs here and there. I've been focusing on my fiction writing lately. I want to work on it every day. Today, I got a huge chunk written, which is great because I was too under the weather yesterday to get anything done. I've gotten over that hurdle of "uh, what do I write now to get to Point C?" Now, that I'm past that point, I can start enjoying the process again and get these characters in a real pickle. It's been great for that these last few days. But, I promise to return to you all very soon. I have a whooper of a post to write about cages with a follow-up on cage accessories! That is coming, I promise, I promise, along with more of Nimbus's birthday videos!!

Hey, if you're following Chris and I with learning about some animals every day --- we're on American Woodcock, anaconda and Andean goose.

Also, I have some BIG news coming up!!!! Stay tuned! It's going to change a whole lot in Nimbus's and Sparta's life as well as mine!

Follow us on Twitter @ChillWithNimbus

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Nimbus the Snowman (Video)


Once again, my Kentucky trip has been postponed! It is pouring buckets of snow here, and... well, everywhere. My grandparents have snow down in South Carolina. My father has snow in Charlotte. There's snow all across Tennessee, so there's no heading to Kentucky.

In North Carolina, this is a lot of snow!

The snow started some time this morning and has been going ever since. According to the weather reports, it won't stop until 6 a.m. tomorrow. Chris and  I are huddled down with the pets, trying to keep warm and entertained! Since we thought I'd be gone on Friday, we've been celebrating Valentine's Day today. That means a whole lot of candy and later, we'll exchange our teddy bears we made at Build-A-Bear on Sunday. Yes, teddy bears... but Chris has never had a teddy bear before, and I wasn't about to stand for that. And, I find teddy bears irresistible.

I just went wandering around outside, and I couldn't see the bottom half of my snow boots!! Man, I wish I had a sled and a good hill!! We've got some awesome slopes around here, but they're pretty dangerous as far as backyard sledding goes. And if I wanted to use my own backyard, well then, the only sledding hill abruptly stops right at Scott Creek. WHEEEEEEE SLEDDING....and then.....YAY HYPOTHERMIA!

When we had a snow day last week, I desperately wanted to show Nimbus snow. Wouldn't it be adorable to see him bounding around in the snow??! Of course, that would kill him!! I would never do such a thing.

Today, we brought the snow inside instead!! I didn't have a clue how Nimbus would respond. For all I knew, he'd completely ignore me and scamper into his cage. I had no idea he'd do this!!!

Follow us on Twitter @ChillWithNimbus

Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Birthday Dust Bath (Video)

Nimbus turned 3 yesterday, and for the first time in 20 days, he was allowed to have a dust bath!!!

Dr. Wall declared that Nimbus is 100% back to health, and I was overjoyed, almost jumping around the vet's office with excitement. I wasn't even bothered by the bill. They showed me the injury, and there was nothing but a round scab on Nimbus's arm, about the size of the tip of a pen! It's exactly what we wanted to see. No more medication, and no more vet visits!!

So with a clean bill of health, Nimbus celebrated his birthday with a huge bowl of dust!! There shall be more pictures and videos to follow. We had a great amount of fun last night!

Follow us on Twitter @ChillWithNimbus

Thursday, February 6, 2014

One More Day!

Nimbus's birthday is TOMORROW!!!! 

I cannot begin to explain how excited I am. I'm really hoping that everything goes well tomorrow at the vet. I don't know how I'll be able to handle getting more bad news. We've been waiting so long for this moment, and if I can't give Nimbus a dust bath tomorrow after the appointment, I might I will break down and cry! Most likely in the vet's office!

It's been a long, slow process of recovery. And in every single moment, Nimbus has been the bravest little chinchilla in the world. He's suffered through all the vet visits, all the medications and the surgery itself without turning against humanity into a sour, angry critter and never once faltered in his love for play time. If anything, he's friendlier and more tolerant of human interaction! With everything he went through, Nimbus never slowed down. He's an amazing creature.

I'm still deciding what I want to do tomorrow. His vet appointment isn't until - this is going to suck - 2:45 in the afternoon. Yes, a 2:45 appointment for a nocturnal animal. This could be the last straw for Nimbus!

In all honesty, I haven't really prepared for his birthday. I've had my head in the clouds trying to get this whole job situation in control. Sadly, I was unable to travel to Kentucky yesterday due to bad weather... which means I'm in a bad mood. I looked forward to that trip for a week because I really need a break from this town. The interview is rescheduled for the end of next week, so I do have that to look forward to. It's not a closed door, just a postponed one. In the meantime, I sit at home caring for Sansa as she tears up the house wanting to go outside. The post operation paperwork for her spay surgery says she can't go outside until Monday, but I don't know how much more I can take. During the day, I keep her from hurting herself by detaching her from the curtains hanging over the door window, which she climbs like a clawed monkey. Then, in the evenings before bed, I sit on the floor in front of the chinchilla cage to bodily block her from Nimbus when he's put up between play times. Furthermore, I found bloody diarrhea in the litter box this morning. I'm 99% sure it belongs to Sansa, but you never know when something goes wrong like we found out with Nimbus. So, it could be Sparta! I'm on the look-out for the culprit, and I'm praying it doesn't end in a vet visit.

We're certainly going to celebrate tomorrow with that huge dust bath (vet willing), but I wish I could give him something unexpected like a different type of hanging toy. Still, money is tight, and this town is small. There aren't a lot of choices for small pet products. Well, the only way to know is to get in the car and head to town.

To the store!!

* * * * 

I've just returned from the store with birthday paraphernalia in hand. I must have stood in the small pet aisle of our local little pet shop for over half an hour. There just isn't anything there for chinchillas. Well, there is, but it's not chin safe. There were treat mixes full of dry fruit and nuts. There were hanging toys with all sorts of dye and unlabeled woods. I thought about getting the Ball Pen, like a McDonald's play area filled with those colored balls, but they're made of plastic and I wasn't sure if Nimbus would even bother with it. Then, I looked at carriers because of the recent vet visits and we might be moving. According to the packaging, it's suggested that you buy a wire cage that fits inside as well as the carrier (I see what you did there, Super Pet!). Aside from the fact that the pet store didn't have any of the smaller cages, I couldn't afford to buy both anyway. In the end, I found a grass play mat right as I was headed for the door. What luck! It was a very reasonable price, and Nimbus's current play mat is a disastrous health hazard because he pees on it. This one is made for a full-grown rabbit. I plan to cut it into two and place one in the usual spot and the other on a lower level. 

I know he'll love it because he always loves a good play mat, but I was disappointed as I walked out of the store. I love to spoil my pets, and I wish I had the financial resources to do it. I promised myself that when I get a job, Nimbus will get the birthday gift he deserves for being my awesome "bunny squirrel." Also on the list of items to save up for once I get that awesome job is a larger cage. But, that comes much later. 

In the back of my head, I know Nimbus will be overjoyed just to have the dust bath. He doesn't need more things in his cage to know that I love him. For the past couple of days, I've noticed his fur is becoming oily and separating. That dust bath will be the ultimate gift, and I hope to score The Squeak of Happiness. 

Chris and I will also celebrate with a double fudge chocolate cake! I shall try my best to make a little chinchilla face on top, but let's not get our hopes up. Nimbus, meanwhile, will be presented with a raisin on a plate! And, he will think it is the greatest day ever!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Teeth of Steel


The house is buzzing with excitement these days. Nimbus's birthday is almost here. I still cannot believe I've owned him for a year now. All the moments of adorable-ness, all the moments of frustration, the destroyed remote buttons, the chewed homework, the stolen Hershey kisses, the flying pumice dust, the Cheerio tricks, all the moments of a fulfilling sense of companionship from owning a chinchilla. I won't lie. There were a lot of times I wondered why on earth had I adopted one of these crazy rodents. I wanted to give up. But, after this last month, I've realized just how much I love that ball of fluff. I'm a chinchilla lover now, but in reality, I'm a HUGE NIMBUS LOVER!! I may never own a chinchilla again, but I will always treasure whatever time I'm lucky enough to have with my Nimbus Cloud.
* * * * 

Chinchilla teeth can cut through anything, it seems like. Picture the scarab beetles from The Mummy (character spoiler in clip below). 

Ok, maybe they're not that bad, but the damage a chinchilla can cause is unbelievable. Arguably, the start-up costs will be the most expensive bills you pay for owning a chinchilla. In my opinion, it's damage control. Assuming your chinchilla never needs an emergency vet clinic visit like Nimbus, your chinchilla savings will go fast with the purchase of a sturdy cage and the accessories. However, once I move out of here, I'll be spending money on house repairs!!! 

This was where he first damaged the house.

This corner belongs in what is now Chris's bedroom. When I first moved into the house, it was my bedroom. But, when I chucked out my ex (We stayed in separate rooms. I don't know how people do this whole 100% living together in the same bed and all thing. Ya'll crazy and possess some insane patience!), I moved into the second bedroom, and the vacant room became the Chinchilla Room. It was such a relief. I could drop Nimbus off and let him run around without worrying about whether if he was under the oven or somewhere unsafe. He could no longer chew on my couch or get up on the kitchen counters via the couch. I would sit with him, working on my laptop or reading a book. However, I would also pop out to grab something to eat or homework I needed. I would take my time because Nimbus was safe and locked up in his special room. ...I returned to find him gnawing to China on the wall corner. The Chinchilla Room didn't last much longer for several reasons.

Baseboards are another treat. I hope I can paint this over with a few dabs of a similarly colored paint. It's not as noticeable as it looks. You can see Sansa's back leg on the left, and she's standing in the bathroom doorway. The baseboards face the washing machine/dryer. There's enough room for 1.5 persons to get through that little hallway. No one's really looking at the baseboards.

This next instance is my favorite because I didn't know it was scientifically possible! That is right next to the living room window overlooking the river.

It's mobile home wallpaper. That stuff is sucked tight into all the corners and seams of the house with tight perfection. There was no damage there before - no curled up edges, no miniscule tears. And then, here comes Nimbus. RIP! When I heard the noise, I whipped my head over and gaped at what I saw. How? What? But why?!? A beige strip stuck straight out of Nimbus's mouth, quivering from the motion of his whiskers. Then, he ate it like a potato chip!

Nimbus's teeth are not limited to walls and baseboards. They also greatly enjoy different objects and furniture in my living room. He either hates Will & Grace or that DVD box tastes like vanilla ice cream! 

My leather couch looks like a German Shepherd attacked it. Nope, just Nimbus.

I posted this on our Twitter page last night. I was sitting on the couch last night, and it was Chris who kept deterring Nimbus from getting behind the couch. Unbeknownst to me, the chinchilla wasn't attempting a behind-the-couch mission. He was chewing the heating pad cord draped down the back - something I'd completely forgotten about. If *someone* had just mentioned what the rodent was going after in the first place, we'd be spared a lot of grief, and I wouldn't need to purchase a new heating pad this week.

Finally, Nimbus's favorite not-allowed chew toy is a book or two. Clive Barker, Tolkien, Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Irving, Rawlings... he doesn't mind. As long as it has pages and a spine, Nimbus is set on destroying a good book! To my English major friends, this is a punishable offense. Most likely by firing squad!

Clearly, I have more work ahead of me providing Nimbus with a safe household. You should not allow your chins to eat objects like these, and we try our best to discourage Nimbus from this activity. The couch is covered with blankets and pillows. The cat bed is pressed up against the bottom of the DVD shelf. We pay attention to where cords are in accordance to where Nimbus can reach. And, I say all this because I don't want you all to think I just let Nimbus jump around and get away with murder. These photos show past mistakes or lack of diligence on my part. Books, couches and DVDs are not snack items in any capacity. We do actually put out chew toys across the living room floor for him to play with, but it certainly doesn't look that way!

The point of this post was to get a laugh, a nod of understanding/sympathy and to ultimately point out (to a future owner) that if you're not in for the long haul, then a chinchilla is not a right pet for you. If you're in a smaller home with not many options for playrooms, these are what your belongings could look like. I didn't know this when I brought Nimbus into my home. I knew he'd chew, but I would have never pictured this. But, to me, they're just objects. As long as he never hurts himself, I'm not going to get upset over their destruction. I will discipline him and move him away, but the already inflicted damage doesn't cause me any concern. The heating pad... well, it was a disappointment, but its demise won't stop me from loving Nimbus. It's just one of the major aspects to consider before bringing in one of these bizarre, beautiful animals into your own. Chinchillas are not impulse buys!

Follow us on Twitter @ChillWithNimbus

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Kiss Trick (Video)


To keep Nimbus engaged and create a stronger bond with him, I've started teaching him a new trick.

He's learning to kiss on command through a reward system of Cheerios. The first night (Jan 30)  we began training, Nimbus picked up it surprisingly fast. He could clearly see that there was a Cheerio in my hand, but he also noticed that he couldn't have that Cheerio until he completed a specific action. Earlier, he'd been sitting quite still on the couch arm, so I walked up and started pecking him on the lips. When Chris handed me Cheerios, I left my face close to Nimbus's and said "Kiss" repeatedly. It didn't take long before Nimbus put 2 and 2 together to win his favorite treat.

Since then, we've practiced it each night. Here's a video of our progression from this morning. We've also started working on "Up."

He doesn't yet understand performing a kiss without an type of reward before him. However, with the repetition of the word "Kiss," I'm hoping he'll store this word in his memory and learn its meaning. Just like he knows what "Nimbus" means.

* * * *

In other news, I'm excited to travel to the western side of Kentucky next week. I've never spent time in Kentucky before, only passed through on other excursions, and am looking forward to checking out the town of Paducah. It seems like a great little spot in the Central time zone. I have a job interview there at a newspaper for their open reporter position. Hopefully, the weather will behave, and I can make it out there safely. It'll be a nice mini vacation as I get to stay the night. However, I hate being away from Nimbus. It'll be his second to last night before his final check-up at the vet. We're counting down the days.

Also, (this may interest some of you), Chris and I are reading up on different animals every day. While I despised homework, I do miss walking into a classroom and learning something new. Whether Chris enjoys it or not, he gets to listen to me read about three different animals a day in alphabetical order. For me, the knowledge is key if I ever change career paths to work with wild animals like the big cats or canines in the future. I also enjoy reading up on mammals, birds, reptiles and so forth to appease my love of nature. If you'd like to keep up with us, here are Wikipedia links to the animals we read about: Aardwolf, African Buffalo, Akita, African Black Crake (bird), Alaskan Malamute, and Albatross. We clearly read more than usual. It's been a relatively slow day.

As always, thank you for reading!!! Nimbus is doing brilliantly well in his recovery, and we're hoping future posts have happy, funny stories instead of medical setbacks and updates. 

Follow us on Twitter @ChillWithNimbus

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Vet Says Nimbus is on the Mend!

What do you know?? It's snowing again, and it's actually sticking!! The forecast predicted that we'll get 2-4 inches! That's pretty intense for these lower elevations in the valley. It looks like most of the Southeast will be slammed with snow. My mother and grandparents down in the northern part of South Carolina are expected to get just as much snow.

I'm excited to announce that our vet appointment this morning was nothing but good news!! Nimbus's injury is looking significantly better since Thursday, Jan. 23. The cut is beginning to scab over, and Dr. Wall estimated that everything should be back to normal in 10 days. That puts us at February 7 --- NIMBUS'S BIRTHDAY!!!!! That would be the greatest birthday present in the world: a happy, healthy Nimbus needing no medication and able to take a dust bath once again. I'd love to give him a dust bath for his birthday!

Speaking of medication, Chris and I got more good news when we discovered just how much Nimbus loves the taste of his antibiotics. Now, we don't have to hold him down. Instead, I sleepily stumble into the living room in the mornings and put the syringe near his mouth. He sucks it down while simultaneously chewing the plastic syringe. I think he takes the medicine just to chew on a new plastic object! Sneaky chinchilla! The evening dose is just as easy, except it doesn't interrupt my sleep. Thank goodness. I absolutely hated holding him down, which is the scenario that happened at the vet this morning. A poor vet assistant had chinchilla fur all over him! That stuff sticks to everything. Hopefully, he can get it off his uniform.

Here's a video of Nimbus taking his medication. Chris doesn't know how to work my camera, so the middle part is quite blurry, but you can see how easily Nimbus slurps up the antibiotics!

Also, check out Nimbus's new Get-Well-Soon toy!! He took to it quickly and chews it on a regular basis! Hooray! One of the hardest parts of shopping for your pets is determining if they're actually going to like it. I've bought too many cat toys that are completely ignored. But, I've learned my lesson now. Going to the store, I can recognize Sparta's tastes in fun and usually don't go wrong anymore in the toy department.

Carrot toss toy made of handwoven hay

Sunday, January 26, 2014

An Interesting Article about Chinchillas

I decided to scroll through Google News to see if there were any interesting articles about chinchillas. Maybe there was a new discovery, a recent recommendation on care or a newsworthy chinchilla-related incident in the past few weeks. Here's what I found:

This is an article from The Standard in China. The story, titled "How raisin got my chins wagging," is written by Georgina Noyce, and it was published on January 14. The narrative provides a quick look at how chinchillas can pick up specific phrases from their owners.

"Laughing at a recent article about owner/trainers who have taught their border collie to understand more than 1,000 words - including elements of grammar, based on the use of the dog's toys - I looked down at my lot and wondered where to start.

In the past, my chinchillas (chins) learned a few basic words - bed, home, raisin, no, up, down, here - and all the dogs and cats have a basic grasp of the words most relevant to them."

Read the rest of the story HERE!

Follow Us on Twitter

This may seem silly, but I've created a Twitter account for Come Chill with the Chinchilla. You can now follow us by searching for Nimbus Menz or @ChillWithNimbus.

I'll tweet links for the new blog posts, photos, tips, random happening throughout the day with Nimbus as well as retweet tweets from other organizations like Oxbow Animal Health, Petfinder, Pet Emergency Guide, Humane Society and PetSmart (Is it Pet Smart, Pets Mart or Pet's Mart?? Does anyone know?).

You can also follow my personal Twitter - although I'm on it intermittently - by searching for Lex Menz or @StarStruckHotel. I tweet the photos used on this blog and the new posts. That makes up the most of my tweets these days, but I try to throw in a personal sentence or two for my aunt, who reads my Twitter. She's not a social media person, so she doesn't have a Twitter and isn't on Facebook. In order to keep up with my day-to-day life, she checks out my Twitter and reads this blog since we can't be on the phone every day.

So, if you'd like, follow us and send us a line. I know it's easier to follow someone on Twitter than Blogger, especially if you don't have a Gmail account. After several tries, I finally added the ChillWithNimbus account onto my Twitter app for my phone. That was hilariously difficult. The end result was changing my password.

* * * *

If you're interested in learning a bit more about me, I was raised in a small town outside of Charlotte, North Carolina. Our house was always filled with animals. We've owned several cats, a turtle, a lizard, a snake, a hermit crab, hamsters, dogs, a guinea pig, a miniature goat, and salt and freshwater fish. Aside from our domestic pets, my mother has rescued injured wildlife and raised monarch butterflies to release for the Mexico migration. I might as well have "animal lover" in my DNA as my mom instilled in me such a passion for nature at a young age. While kids my age were watching "Doug" and "Hey Arnold," I was watching "The Crocodile Hunter" along with its various spin-offs and "The Jeff Corwin Experience."

By the time I was 7, I had created my own zoo on paper. Sadly, I never followed my dream of becoming a zookeeper or owning a zoo (at least not yet), but I still tap into my passion for animals every day. There are my beloved pets, of course. There's this blog, which has really created a deeper bond and fascination with Nimbus. Then, there's my local "business" Fins & Fur Pet Sitting. One day, I'll write a memoir about my pet sitting experiences. There's never been a dull job! 

Volunteering at a cat rescue

In tenth grade, I started going by Lex after leaving a private school I attended for nine years. It was at my new high school that I fell in love with journalism - the career choice I'm pursuing now that I've graduated from Western Carolina University. I enjoy the behind-the-scenes view you are allowed to get through immersion in reporting, and I don't feel that print journalism is a dying field, especially not in smaller towns like the one I currently live in.

One of my favorite newspaper issues

With my free time, I enjoy writing what I hope will be published novels one day (as cliche as that sounds), painting pottery, boogie boarding at the Outer Banks, visiting zoos across the United States, reading (some favorites are "The Time Traveler's Wife," "Vulpes the Red Fox," "The Great Gatsby," "Three Weeks with my Brother" can find me on GoodReads), participating in community theatre, volunteering at the animal shelter and watching as many movies as possible! 

The promo poster for the musical "Brigadoon." I played Jane.

That's a small picture of me and my life outside of Nimbus and Sparta. Right now, we live a quiet existence in the Appalachian Mountains beside a bubbling stream. Hopefully, we'll be moving soon to start the next phase of "The First Adult Job."

Hope you enjoy the Twitter feed, and keep checking in here. I appreciate all of your advice about Nimbus's injury. He has boundless energy, and he's actually taking his new medication quite well. I still worry, but he looks like he's on the right track to full recovery. 

The sign for my zoo!

Friday, January 24, 2014

A Turn for the Worst

My grandmother often complains about doctors and how they don't know anything helpful or accurate. She's dead certain that they're quacks, and in a small way, I believe her. I definitely felt this way heading to the emergency vet with Nimbus. Something just didn't sit right with me during the examination and after they handed him back to us. I should have trusted that feeling... Unfortunately, I was right.

Yesterday was supposed to be a happy day of celebration, dusts baths and relief. Nimbus was going to get his stitches out, and life would be restored to normal. No more corralling him on the bed. No more syringes with nasty medicine. No more stress.

Photo from

We entered our local vet to the great enjoyment of everyone there. Most had never seen a chinchilla nor petted its soft fur. Nimbus was a celebrity! One veterinarian assistant said, "I didn't know what it was until I looked it up on the Internet just now."

When Nimbus's fans settled down, Dr. Wall and two assistants held him down to examine his stitches... Except, there were no stitches!

Every single one had popped out, or Nimbus had taken them out. Not that it would have mattered if he did. By the size of Dr. Wall's frown, I knew REACH had messed up.

The wound was completely exposed. Although Chris and I had seen several stitches on Nimbus's arm two days before, they were gone now. The last one sat on the exam table with a tuft of fluffy gray fur attached to it. I had to turn away, and I began to feel my legs give way at the horrible sight of it. Nothing had healed. Nothing was better. We were right back the start of all.

Dr. Wall explained that REACH had used the wrong type of stitches, ones that require some very tight tying and glue to hold the knots in place. Dr. Wall insinuated that REACH should have known better and didn't understand why those were used. I had shelled out hundreds of dollars to that emergency vet with nothing to show for it except worthless medical assistance. In my opinion, REACH's only help was discovering Nimbus didn't have a sprained or broken leg. Everything else was shredded money.

Photo from
Dr. Wall wanted the wound to remain open instead of putting Nimbus through stitches again. By looking at the cut, he noticed that there was healthy pink tissue regenerating and that the injury should scab over and heal on its own. He prescribed us two weeks of antibiotics - here we go again with that one - and scheduled us an appointment for next Tuesday.

"If the wound starts to open more, you need to bring him back in," he said.

As I carried Nimbus in the cat carrier out to the car, I didn't feel the biting winds and finger-aching cold. I was already numb from such disappointment, stress and worry. I couldn't believe it. I also felt an overwhelming, choking anger boiling up my throat. The wrong stitches??? THE WRONG STITCHES?!?! What does that even mean, "the wrong stitches??" If that's the reputation of those stitches, that they need glue to just hold the knots in place, why on earth were they used on my chinchilla in the first place??!?!?!

Angry and in tears, the ride home was very silent.  I put Nimbus back in his cage, told him to go to sleep and get some rest, then went out into the living room to stare at a wall. My mind tried to process this tragedy, this horrible mistake. Dr. Wall said he'd need 2 more weeks of recovery time with medication through syringe twice a day! No dust bath. No playtime. When he said no playtime, I stood up.

"He has to be able to play," I said. "A chinchilla's health and happiness depend on him being able to run around and explore."

I said this to Chris later, "If anything, Nimbus is going to hurt himself more by trying to get out of the cage and throwing tantrums by flying around and banging against the walls."

Dr. Wall relented, thankfully. However, Nimbus will no longer play in my room or on the bed. Instead, we have created the perfect, safe chin play area we possibly could in the living room. No more running into the kitchen. No more jumping up on the bookshelf. No more sneaking behind the couch, thanks to a lot of cardboard alcohol boxes Chris picked up from the ABC store. Nimbus can hop around on the carpet, chew on his toys, and that's it! Still, he can't have a dust bath. There's no way we can allow Blue Cloud dust to get into that open injury.

Photo from

That afternoon, Chris went to pick up the medication. However, the WalMart pharmacy said they didn't have it.

"But, the vet called me this morning and told me it was ready," I told Chris on the phone.

Still, there was no medication. This morning on my way out the door, I called the vet again.

"Yes, my chinchilla Nimbus was prescribed medication by Dr. Wall yesterday. When we went to pick it up, WalMart didn't have it."

"Ok," replied the receptionist. "I'll take care of that. I'll call them right now."

Six hours later, Chris returned to the gigantic chain store to pick up the medication. The pharmacy said they didn't have it. So, I called the vet again. They answered that WalMart had told them it was ready to be picked up. My temper started to flare. On the phone, I sharply told Chris to get aggressive and get that medication.

Poor Chris stood in line and at the counter trying to convince these people they had Nimbus's medication for 30 minutes! Once again, we encountered the chinchilla conumdrum. I think there needs to be a Chinchilla Awareness campaign. The guy helping Chris had no clue what a chinchilla was or why we were giving it a generic form of bactrim. Finally, they located our medication. And, here's why it was missing for two days:

Yeah, that's not how you spell my last name.

What Chris should have said to the pharmacy was, "I know with complete certainty that there is no other medication back there prescribed to the first name of Nimbus. Can you please search for Nimbus?"

It's just been roadblock after roadblock. At this point, I just want Nimbus to get better. Please, please, let him get better. I want my beautiful chinchilla to be happy and healthy again, to be able to roll around in his beloved dust bathtub, to scamper through the house, to use the bedroom door in order to "wall surf." He acts fine, but what if it gets infected? What if he suddenly becomes sicker in the middle of the night? I can't take him back to REACH. I would never. And, there's only so much money left in my bank account. What if that runs out before he gets better? How do you choose between not spending money and your pet's life? My mind can't stop reeling from all the "What ifs?" At this rate, both Nimbus and I will be sick, one from an injury and the other from stress.

Photo from

Thursday, January 23, 2014

So What Happened to Nimbus?

There's a poll going on to the right of your screen that asks what you think happened to Nimbus. His accident of a cut under his arm which required stitches is still a completely mystery. There are several different scenarios I can come up with, but each one of them has some sort of loophole that doesn't add up.

The night at REACH Animal Hospital was a crazy blur of events that I'd rather forget. There wasn't time to ask as many questions as I'd have liked about what was going on. Instead, it was lot of paperwork being shoved my way requesting permission for the next procedure and verifying that I understood how much the cost would go up if I did sign. So, I sent an email to Dr. Gibson on Sunday asking specific questions.

  1. What did the cut look like exactly?
  2. Were there other scrapes around it, like what a cat's paw would leave behind?
  3. Why didn't we see any blood at home or on the way to REACH?
  4. Was the cut deep or just on the surface?
  5. How many stitches did it take?
Today, I got a response.

"I'm so glad to hear that Nimbus is doing well. The laceration could have been from a cat claw, a sharp piece of metal, or something similar. Chinchillas have very fragile skin. There is no way to know what caused it. There was exposed muscle under the cut but the cut was just through the skin. Most cuts don't bleed a lot unless a large blood vessel is cut as well."

Well, now I know the extent of the injury, but I'm back at square one. I can't just bubble wrap the entire house, so what do I do? I must closely examine the situation.

Scenario A: Sansa the cat made a grab at him. As much as I may want to put the blame on Sansa, I don't think she's the culprit. To blame Sansa is the easy way out. It relieves any guilt I will feel when I do give her up to a new home. However, I can't imagine how she would have made such a cut. From that night, I remember that Nimbus was out playing. When he was put up for a break, Sansa was let out of Chris's bedroom. She made an attempt at swiping at Nimbus, so she was promptly locked up again. I can't remember if she actually touched the cage, but if she had, she would have hit Nimbus's left side. His cut is on the upper part of his right arm. The cut starts on one side of his bicep then travels underneath the arm where the scapula connects to the humerus in humans (I don't know if chinchilla bones go by the same name). So, basically, his armpit. Now, how could Sansa have possibly stuck her claws into the cage, raked Nimbus's skin under his upper arm (which is typically buried deep into his thick chest fur) and on his right side?? When Nimbus sits on his lava ledge, he exposes his left side to the front cage wall. If he showed his right side, his face would be right up against the right cage wall. And unless Nimbus was pressed firmly against the cage wall, Sansa would not be able to get her claws close enough to lock under his arm like that. So, there's that.

Sansa in the snow yesterday.

Scenario B: He cut himself on his cage.This is the only plausible explanation I can come up with. So, his cage is made of metal... all metal. Looking at the actual cage itself, Nimbus would have cut himself on one of two things: the latches that hold the door closed or the rings that keep the cage together. At first glance, nothing seemed to be out of place. But, when Chris and I looked again a few days later, we saw some rings that weren't put on properly. Thanks for that, my darling ex... Anyway, to put on these little metal rings, you need a special tool that is shipped with the cage from Martin's Cages. Securing the rings is - excuse my language - an absolute bitch of a job! And if you're sick and tired of doing it... then you tend to slack off and just get it around the bars enough to where the walls will stay together. Should the rings not be fully tightened, the sharp edges are left exposed, pointing inside and outside the cage. I hope that makes some sense. (We just returned from the stitches-removing vet visit, and it did not end well... I'm a bit frazzled at the moment.) So, if one of the rings were exposed and Nimbus reached up with his arms against the cage wall, as he does regularly to get my attention, it is possible that when he brought his arm down that he caught a ring underneath his right arm and cut himself. But, we just saw the wound today clearly at the vet. It is right up under his armpit. To go that far back into his arm would mean that Nimbus plastered himself against a cage wall and dragged himself down back to the floor instead of pulling back and collecting his paws together like normal. Another loophole to this idea is that the rings hold together the walls and floors. How would a chinchilla stick his body that close to the corner of a cage to injure his arm? Same thing with the door latches, but they curve downward. If he were to cut himself on the door latch, the injury would have been on the top of his arm. I just... Argh, this is frustrating!

The door latches on Nimbus's cage, which is currently in its recovery set-up
Scenario C: The sharp edge of a toy. What if Nimbus jumped up to the third level of his cage (technically the fourth floor) and caught his arm on the corner of his Chinchiller? Sometimes, the Chinchiller hangs off the edge the top floor just a little. Could he have cut his underarm on the corner of the granite slab as he jumped up to sit on it? Chris is now examining the Chinchiller. No, it's too dull as we discovered. Chris raked the corner of the Chinchiller across his arm. Oh dear gosh, I pray he never does that again! I feel woozy now. While the Chinchiller may be a possibility, it's still unlikely. Looking at his other toys, none of them have sharp edges because that'd be dangerous. He has his hanging chew toy, two wooden logs, a Chinnie Buddy, hay play mat aaannnddd, yeah, that's it. He also has a beloved plush rabbit puppet, but of course, that's soft and cuddly. I've got nothing, absolutely nothing!

Nimbus sitting on his Chinchiller. A bad photo, I apologize.

Scenario D: He did it to himself. I'm not even sure what I mean by that. Is it possible for him to accidentally cut himself with his teeth? Surely, Nimbus would realize how much pressure to apply while grooming himself. So, I'm throwing out Scenario D completely.

Scenario E: He cut his arm on an object in his play area. I have scowered every corner of the living room and kitchen. I found nothing. I found nothing!! At first, I suspected the keys on the "Random Objects Table." But, the cut would have been jagged and needed a significant amount of pressure to cause such a wound as Dr. Gibson described. It couldn't have been the bookshelf, the DVD tower, any of the cat toys, the couch, the dining table, his dust bathtub, the dining chairs, the television, the cat food bin, and we pick up all of our belongings off the floor. Now, if he somehow escaped into the bathroom, well then, it couldn't be the toilet paper package, the paper towel package, the litter box or the toilet. I'm running out of objects in the house. My second gut feeling belonged to the cat tree, which Nimbus can run under and will occasionally jump on the first level. He comes in contact with five of the actual scratching posts. The rope circling the posts are held together by staples and glue. I've had to replace one post because of deterioration and exposure of the staples (see lighter scratching post in photo below). The other posts are safe. I ran my hands over all the posts that Nimbus is around. I felt no staples, no sharp edges, nothing that could hurt him.

Sparta's cat scratching tower

There must be something that I'm missing, some scenario that's staring me right in the face. I pray it's not his cage, the one place he spends the most time. And, I certainly hope it wasn't one of us, though how we scratched him doesn't draw any likelihood in my mind. Which leaves only one question, the one question I've been asking myself constantly and posting in this blog repeatedly: How do I keep Nimbus safe from harm when I can't find the source?

Taken by Chris

    Heading to the Vet (Video)

    Notice how happy and excited we are on the way to the vet. It's Day 10, and Nimbus was going to get his stitches out. As I try to put him in the carrier, you can hear his angry, defensive noise. However, the trip back from the vet was not so happy. Actually, it was very silent and involved a lot of tears.

    Nimbus is still alive and quite alert. However, we hit a huge snag in his recovery. We're looking at another 2 weeks. I'll explain in a second post. Meanwhile, here's us heading to the animal hospital 15 minutes up the road. If you can't view the video, try this link that will take you directly to it on YouTube.

    Wednesday, January 22, 2014

    Attack of the Nimbus

    Nimbus knows who his mommy is. Everyone else is just everyone else to him. Chinchillas are quite loyal creatures, and even Chris, who has lived in this house since October, has difficulty getting Nimbus to interact with him. I'm not at the level of training Nimbus to do tricks or pick him up without difficulty (like the girl in the video below), but I can tell that he's bonded with me and only me... to a certain extent.

    A perfect example is when my friend Morgan visited one night. Morgan is this drop dead gorgeous girl, who I had English classes with. We graduated together last month, and since then, she is living her life to the fullest. On a whim, she moved to the Virgin Islands and has been boating, chilling on the beaches and taking her life in a completely unexpected direction. She actually invited me to go with her. I was stunned and humbled by the offer, but I knew Nimbus would be miserable in the heat and noise of such a place. Sparta, too, but it was Nimbus I worried about. I declined, but I still think about what if... I actually found a posting for a reporter opening at a newspaper in the Virgin Islands. I might have shot myself in the foot for not jumping at that chance.

    Anyway, Morgan always found Nimbus to be "creepy," and I can see how she came to that conclusion, in a way. Here is this fuzzy large rodent hopping around anywhere he pleases with an odd bristly tail. Nimbus doesn't understand the concept of personal boundaries and once he got over his sense of apprehension at this stranger in his territory, he wanted to investigate and check her out. Well, Morgan wasn't too keen on that, especially not with a chinchilla's preferred method of investigation.

    Photo from

    Chinchillas discover the world through their whiskers and teeth. Their eyesight is poor, and if the object isn't moving, they really can't see it very well. There have been many occasions when Nimbus was joyfully running through the house and then BAM. He smacked right into a table leg because he couldn't see it coming. Horrible yet hilarious at the same time. So in order to get a sense of what they're up against, chinchillas will nibble. I know this, but Morgan didn't. Or, at least she didn't understand what that meant. There's a huge difference between a chinchilla bite and an exploratory nibble. Nimbus has drawn blood in two instances. My ex and Chris made a move he didn't like, and because he wasn't bonded to them, he showed them his displeasure. Nimbus has bitten me but never too hard. This happened a lot when giving him his medication, especially in the morning when he was sleeping. However, there seems to always be some restraint in those bites. It's more like a warning of "Don't mess with me right now" instead of a defense mechanism like "I'm protecting myself. Try that again, and you'll regret it." I think Morgan was under the impression that any contact with Nimbus's teeth meant he was about to attack. Really, she's a dog person, and I think Nimbus was intimidating. It's strange to watch a rabbit-squirrel-kangaroo like animal hopping around a living room. And when he takes off in a burst of energy, it's frighteningly stupefying.

    Well, when Nimbus went to nibble Morgan to officially greet her, Morgan wasn't having any of it. She told me another one of our friends had texted her to come over. So, we prepared to leave. I sat on the floor of the living room near Nimbus's cage to eat a bowl of cereal before we left. Meanwhile, Morgan headed back to the couch from the kitchen where she'd dropped her beer bottle in the recycling bin. She walked toward the couch in her black stilettos to grab her purse and phone. By pure coincidence, Nimbus happened to be bouncing from the couch to the kitchen on whatever mission he'd planned. He and Morgan met in the middle of the living room. It was the classic trying to step around each other, but both taking steps to the same side. They went left. They went right. They went left again.

    Finally, Nimbus grew pissed. This person was standing in his way and wouldn't let him pass. So, he attacked!

    Nimbus has a very unusual way of attacking someone when they're standing above him. He goes for the feet. It's happened to me a couple of times. If I try to move Nimbus away from a book or DVD case that he's chewing and he's particularly fed up with my scoldings, he goes for the feet when I'm standing. It's basically him scrabbling at my socks with his front paws while making the angry chirping/barking noise. One day I'll get a video of him doing that because describing the sound just doesn't do it justice. The experience isn't painful or damaging in any way. I think it's hilarious! Well, Morgan didn't see it that way.

    In reference to Achmed the Dead Terrorist ("SOB" is used in the linked video)
    Still sitting on the floor, I watched as Nimbus dove at Morgan's feet to begin his attack. She screamed and ran.


    Morgan dashed between the kitchen counter and the dining table (my living and kitchen are connected as one room) and hid herself behind my roommate.

    "I'm so sorry," she said to Chris as she clung to his shoulders. "I know I don't know you, but that thing was attacking me." She turned to me. "Lex, get it! Put it up. Oh my gosh, it's coming this way!"

    I was trying not to slosh milk everywhere because I was laughing that hard. I shook my head, sputtering. "I can't. I can't breathe!" I laughed.

    When my laughter settled, I set the bowl of cereal aside and reached out to Chris. "Hand me the Chinchiller," I said, referring to the granite rock that keeps chinchillas cool. Chris turned toward the refrigerator where we keep one at all times. This left Morgan completely exposed.

    "No, no!" she cried, pointing. "He's under the table! He's under the table."

    I burst out laughing again. "I see him," I answered. "I said Chinchiller. It's his rock thing."

    Chris moved past Morgan and handed me the Chinchiller, and I handed him the warm one from the cage to put in the fridge. After I replaced the Chinchiller, I went for Nimbus and got him safely into his cage. Morgan, however, was scarred for life. She never came over to the house again... and maybe that was because she never had the time or something along those lines, but I believe it was because of Nimbus.

    I still can't help laughing at this story, and I've been chuckling this whole time as I write it. Morgan tells this story often, but she does leave out the part about shuddering behind my roommate and shrieking about the rodent on the loose! Obviously, Nimbus has some attitude issues, but he always provides entertainment. I'm sorry, Morgan!! He's just a bit impatient. To any other friends that want to come over, I'd let the chinchilla have the right-of-way!!!

    Photo from