Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Vet Says Nimbus is on the Mend!

What do you know?? It's snowing again, and it's actually sticking!! The forecast predicted that we'll get 2-4 inches! That's pretty intense for these lower elevations in the valley. It looks like most of the Southeast will be slammed with snow. My mother and grandparents down in the northern part of South Carolina are expected to get just as much snow.

I'm excited to announce that our vet appointment this morning was nothing but good news!! Nimbus's injury is looking significantly better since Thursday, Jan. 23. The cut is beginning to scab over, and Dr. Wall estimated that everything should be back to normal in 10 days. That puts us at February 7 --- NIMBUS'S BIRTHDAY!!!!! That would be the greatest birthday present in the world: a happy, healthy Nimbus needing no medication and able to take a dust bath once again. I'd love to give him a dust bath for his birthday!

Speaking of medication, Chris and I got more good news when we discovered just how much Nimbus loves the taste of his antibiotics. Now, we don't have to hold him down. Instead, I sleepily stumble into the living room in the mornings and put the syringe near his mouth. He sucks it down while simultaneously chewing the plastic syringe. I think he takes the medicine just to chew on a new plastic object! Sneaky chinchilla! The evening dose is just as easy, except it doesn't interrupt my sleep. Thank goodness. I absolutely hated holding him down, which is the scenario that happened at the vet this morning. A poor vet assistant had chinchilla fur all over him! That stuff sticks to everything. Hopefully, he can get it off his uniform.

Here's a video of Nimbus taking his medication. Chris doesn't know how to work my camera, so the middle part is quite blurry, but you can see how easily Nimbus slurps up the antibiotics!

Also, check out Nimbus's new Get-Well-Soon toy!! He took to it quickly and chews it on a regular basis! Hooray! One of the hardest parts of shopping for your pets is determining if they're actually going to like it. I've bought too many cat toys that are completely ignored. But, I've learned my lesson now. Going to the store, I can recognize Sparta's tastes in fun and usually don't go wrong anymore in the toy department.

Carrot toss toy made of handwoven hay

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