Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Birthday Dust Bath (Video)

Nimbus turned 3 yesterday, and for the first time in 20 days, he was allowed to have a dust bath!!!

Dr. Wall declared that Nimbus is 100% back to health, and I was overjoyed, almost jumping around the vet's office with excitement. I wasn't even bothered by the bill. They showed me the injury, and there was nothing but a round scab on Nimbus's arm, about the size of the tip of a pen! It's exactly what we wanted to see. No more medication, and no more vet visits!!

So with a clean bill of health, Nimbus celebrated his birthday with a huge bowl of dust!! There shall be more pictures and videos to follow. We had a great amount of fun last night!

Follow us on Twitter @ChillWithNimbus

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